Saturday 26 April 2014

Saturday 14 January 2012

Why did the Messenger not write a book of Islam???

Why did the Messenger not write a book of Islam???

Turn to Allah and take Him as your only Ilah. There is only One Ilah (Authority).-----And that is Allah alone, and not any Prophet or any Messenger or any awliyah.
Please read below:
Why did the Messenger not write a book of Islam???
Allah send down His Exalted Book for the Guidance of the mankind. People read, accept and follow Al-Quran and become Muslims.
So, when people by following Allah's Book, become Muslims, then Allah is their Ilah.
The overwhelming majority of the last and lost Ummah say that one who does not accept "man-made Sihah Sittah" is not a Muslim.
So if, to become Muslim, one has to follow whatever is in Sihah Sittah, then "Bukhari et al." are his ilahs.
Whereas, as a matter of undeniable fact, the Messenger did not write with his own hand, a book of his own explanations of Al-Quran that he made for the people of his time.
Why???-----Because then, there would have been two books (two Authorities) of Islam. ----- One by Allah, and the other one by the Messenger.
Whereas, there is only One Ilah (only One Authority), and He is Allah.-----And the Messenger is never an Authority.
-----"Surely the Hukm (Law and Judgment) is for none, but Allah." (12: 40)
Hukm is for none, but Allah, Who is The Only "Ilah".

-----"He does not make anyone His associate in His Hukm (Law and Judgment)" (18: 26)
And Allah does not make anyone His associate in His Hukm. Not ever the Messenger.-----Then why would have the Messenger ever ever ever been allowed to write his own book of Islam, when he was not an Authority???

Allah is warning us:
-----"And Allah said: "Do not take for yourselves two "ilahs (two authorities)". He (Allah) is only One Ilah (Authority). So you fear only Me." (16:51)
Allah has forbidden to take two Authorities.

Here in the above quoted Verse, Allah mentioned two Ilahs.----- It means, if there had been, two Ilahs (two Authorities),----- then for sure, after Allah, who would have been the second ilah except the Messenger himself.-----Whereas, it is not so.
It means that if the Messenger is also taken as Authority, alongwith Allah,----- then such people are committing dirty Shirk.
The same dirty Shirk, for which Allah always sent His Messengers to stop the people.
That is why, Allah did not allow His Exalted Messenger to write his own explanations of Al-Quran that he made for the people of his time.
Allah took His Own Book in His Protection,----- and left the "Explanations of Al-Quran made by the Messenger" unProtected, and thus Allah Himself let it lost forever. ----- If Allah had Willed, He Himself would have Protected the "Explanations of Al-Quran" made by His Exalted Messenger.
But Allah Himself did not Will.
It is a challenge, no one can ever find the exact words of the Explanations of Al-Quran made by the Messenger.

So what is it?------Only conjecture, guesswork and falsehoods.
So simple!!!


The word "Allah" is "Al" + "Ilah".

So, first of all the meaning of the word "Ilah".
"Ilah" means "A Being" Whose "Supermacy and Ruling" is established, and Whose "Law or Hukm" is obeyed.

The whole of the universe is obeying Allah's Hukm.
So, whose hukm is obeyed he is considered to be "ilah".

Please read the following Verses:

-----"He (Pharaoh) said: "If you take an "ilah (authority)" other than me, I will certainly put you among those imprisoned." (26: 29)
Pharaoh meant if you obeyed the hukm, other than my hukm.

-----"Have you seen him who has taken his desire as his ilah (authority). Then would you be responsible for him." (25: 43)
Means one who obeys his own desires. Whatever he desires, is hukm for him. He has become a slave of his own desires.

Then the next Verse is for Allah.

-----"And He it is Who in the heaven is Ilah (Law Giver, Authority), and in the earth Ilah (Law Giver, Authority). And He is the All Wise, the All Knower." (43: 84)
So It is Allah, for Whom is the Authority, Law, Hukm, in the heavens, universe, and also on the earth, means on the people.
So,---Allah is, Whose Grandeur and Eminence----- dazzles, impresses and overpower,----- everyone and everything.
Whose Authority is established, and Whose Laws and Hukm is obeyed.
So (Al + Ilah), Allah is not only a Being Who should only be revered and praised,----- but also, The One Whose every Law must be obeyed, and Whose every Hukm must be followed.
His creation must bow before His Authority.

The meaning of "Atiu Allah" is to bow before Allah's Authority, and obey His Law and Hukm.

Every person does take someone as his "ilah".

Either he takes Allah (Al + Ilah) as his "Ilah".
----- Or he takes ghairillah as his ilah.
The ghairillah maybe his own dirty desires (will, arrogance, honor),------- they maybe Corrupt Ulama Karam, Kafir Murshid-e-Kamil,----- they maybe political leaders and many others.
So, Allah is informing us:
-----"Surely the Hukm (Law and Judgment) is for none, but Allah." (Yousuf-40)
Hukm is for none, but Allah, Who is The Only "Ilah".
-----"He does not make anyone His associate in His Hukm (Law and Judgment)" (Al-Kahaf-26)
There is no "ilah", but Allah (Al + Ilah).

After informing this, Allah is warning us:
-----"And Allah said: "Do not take for yourselves two "ilahs (two authorities)". He (Allah) is only One Ilah (Authority). So you fear only Me." (16:51)
People do have Iman in Allah (only to revere),----- but they obey other ilahs (other authorities) in their matters, businesses and affairs of life.

But Alhamdolillah, there are good examples of Prophets, Messengers and other muslims:
-----"And who is better in speech than him who calls (people) to Allah, and does righteousness, and says: "Indeed, I am of the Muslims." (41: 33)
Means who takes Allah as The Only Authority, Law and Hukm,----- and himself obeys,
-----and then, calls people to leave others (ulama karam, peer-o-murshid, political leaders, his own dirty desires) whom they have taken as authority, law and hukm, ---and calls them to take Allah as Authority, Law and Hukm.

Thursday 11 August 2011

The Ummah is Lost!-----Do we need a Messenger???

The Ummah is Lost!-----and not ready to return to Allah.
Do we need a Messenger???

The last Messenger came and brought The Message, and gave it to his Ummah and passed away.
The Message did not bow before the Messenger,
the Messenger bowed before The Message.

So, the Messenger himself followed The Message, and told his Ummah to obey him and follow The Message.

But,-----the Ummah after the Sahaba, was not at all satisfied with Al-Quran alone.
They loved this garbage world, garbage wealth, garbage honor, garbage comfort.
They wanted authority over other humans, and wished them to bow before them and praise them.
They loved to do sins, and still wanted to go to Paradise by dint of Shafa'ut (Intercession).

All this was not at all possible upholding Al-Quran alone.

So,-------they badly needed their own qurans,-----in place of Allah's Divine Quran.

The Persian Imams came forward and took the task, and compiled the Ummah's new qurans, filled with alleged ahadith sinfully linked with the Prophet.

The Ummah is so happy now, because they can find their desires in these man-made qurans.

-----"And when Our Verses are recited to them as clear Evidence, those who hope not for their meeting with Us, say: "Bring a quran other than this (Quran), or make changes in this (Quran).
Say (O Messenger): "It is not for me to change it on my own accord. I follow not but that which is revealed unto me. Indeed, I fear, if I were to disobey my Lord, the punishment of a Great Day." (10:15)

So the Ummah have turned away from Allah's Quran, and Allah's Wrath and Torment is falling upon them which can be seen with open eyes.

The Ummah today have lost Allah's Quran, that the Messenger brought and gave them.
They are doing open Shirk with Allah, and doing open Kufr of Allah's Commandments.
They are upholding man-made Islam.
They are rejector of Allah, rejector of Rasool, rejector of Al-Quran and rejector of Al-Qiyamah.

They have their own ilah, their own rasool, their own qurans, and they have their own Judgement Day, different from Allah's Judgement Day.

The Ummah today, is going through the same condition (Open Shirk, Open Kufr, arrogance), where the previous ummahs were given Messengers.

The Ummah is Lost!-----and not ready to return to Allah alone.-----not ready to leave Imam Bukhari.-----hmmm
Do we need a Messenger???

But,-----hold on!
What will the Messenger bring?
The Messenger will bring Al-Quran.

Al-Quran???-----Again???-----Why not his ahadith this time???
The Messenger never brings his own ahadith,---he is the Messenger because of The Message (Al-Quran) he receives,-----and he is not a Messenger because of his own ahadith.


But,-----The Message (Al-Quran) is in Allah's Protection.
And if any Messenger had to come, he would have brought The Same Al-Quran, which is already there, well-protected,---so there is no need of any Messenger.


The Messenger is The Message.-----and why will it not be???

In His Exalted Quran, sometimes Allah has used the word "Messenger", in place of the word "Message".

-----"And the Day Allah will call them and say: "What did you answer the messengers." (28:65)

-------means, what did you answer The Message.

So when according to Allah, Answering the Messenger = Answering The Message,
then why not, Obeying the Messenger = Following The Message???


Is it not clear like daylight?-----"Obeying the Messenger" is not his ahadith,-------but "The Message" that the Messenger brings???

Thursday 28 July 2011

Was The Prophet Illiterate?

Was The Prophet Illiterate?

Salam and Peace!

-----"And you (O Messenger) did not read of any book ""before it (Min Qablihi)"", nor did you write it with your right hand, for then might those have doubted, who follow falsehood." (29:48)

The meaning is so clear---"you could not read or write ""Min Qablihi"---means "you could not read or write before this (Quran)"
But what after this (Quran)?----Now you can read and write.

Consider the words "Min Qablihi".---If the Prophet was illiterate before and after, it would have been "you don't know how to read or write".---And in that case the words "Min Qablihi" would have been useless.
But it says"you could not read or write "before this" ("Min Qablihi").

You never ate burger before this time "Min Qablihi"-----means you never ate before this time,---but now you are eating a burger.
And if you have never eaten, and still you don't eat,-----then the sentence would have been,---"you have never eaten a burger."

-----"And they (rejectors) say: “Legends of the ancient people, which he (the Messenger) has written down, so they are dictated to him morning and evening.”   (25:5)

Why did they say this?---Because they knew that the Prophet knows how to write. If he didn't know, the rejectors would never have said---"which he (the Messenger) has written down"

Can you just imagine,-----a Messenger receiving Allah's Revelations, conveying and explaining it to people,-----
-----yet he was unable to read a single word of The Revelation that he himself received,-----
-----and then he died without knowing, recognizing and reading even a single word of The Revelation.

His Sahaba could read when they saw the words of Allah in The Exalted Quran,-----yet, the Messenger, never knew the words of The Message he received.
It means when he saw the word, "Allah" in Al-Quran, he never knew, this word is "Allah" written there.
When he would see the Surah Al-Fatiha, he never knew what is this written, although he was the recipient of Al-Quran himself!!!

Can you imagine this???!!!
Can you imagine this???!!!

But,-----how can you imagine this???

How pity!---Take Allah's Refuge!

But, indeed, how shameful for the people of the last Ummah, who call their Prophet illiterate!!!

So, sad!-----The Ummah (Salafis, Sunnis) today say that the Prophet was illiterate.

Allah Commanded the Prophet:

---"Read" in the name of your Lord who has created." (96:1)

According to Sunnis, the Prophet himself did not obey Allah's Commandment, and did not learn to "Read". (Naoozo Billah!)

---"The One who taught by the pen." (96:4)

According to Sunnis, the Prophet did not obey Allah's Commandment, and never picked up a pen to learn how to write. (Naoozo Billah!)

How shameful!-----How shameful!


So what is the meaning of the word "Ummi"?

"Ummi" means "one who is unlettered",-----and also-----the Ahlul Kitab would call the Arabs Ummi because the Arabs did not have any Divine Book with them before the last Prophet.

Also......The meaning of the word "Ummi" is "One from the town "Ummul Qara", i.e. "Makkah".

Friday 8 July 2011

Corrupt Clergies of The Last Ummah

Corrupt Clergies of The Last Ummah

Salam and Peace!

People often ask, “Institutions are more important or persons are more important?”
Then they answer, “Institutions are more important, and we should always struggle to make them stronger.”
But, according to my understanding of Al-Quran,—-persons are more important than the institutions, because it is the persons who establish and run the institutions. If persons are dishonest and liars, then institutions only become a source of fulfilling their vested interests.
Allah, in His Exalted Quran, never commands us to strengthen the institutions, rather He commands us to fear Allah, and reform and purify ourselves and become good to others.

—–“Allah loves those who purify themselves.” (9:108)

So, a God-fearing person, who purifies himself, and as a reward of it, Allah loves him,—–is the best person to run an institution and serve the people. Such a person could be a ruler or an officer.
But we should remember, in Islam, the rulers and officers, are nothing but servants of the common people.
And people, who are served, has all the right to take them to accountability.
What comes out finally, is that the rulers and officers are nothing but servants, organizers or care-takers of the community.

On the other hand the momineen (people) of the community who are served, are commnaded to stand with the (God-fearing) care-takers, and extend their full cooperations to their servants.

—–“O you who believe, fear Allah, and be with those who are true.” (9:119)

Indeed, these true people could be the servants, friends and other people of the community.
And when it comes to the rulers (servants of the community), then this act of cooperation with those true rulers is so important that it is not only an act of standing by them, but it is also a matter of obedience.

 —–“O you who believe, obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and those who are in authority (Oolil Umr that is true care-takers of the community) among you. Then if you have a dispute concerning any matter (people are allowed to dispute with the Oolil Umr, if they go against Allah’s Commandments), refer it to Allah and the messenger if you are (in truth) believers in Allah and the Last Day. That is better and more commendable in the end.” (4:59)

There is no concept of an “established institution” of religious scholars, sheikhs and imams in Al-Quran.
Only in one Verse (9:122), people of “yatafaqqahu fid Deen” are ordered to warn the people.
Yes, warn the people, and not to become teachers and teach them Al-Quran.
Because the same people who will be warned, are commanded to read, contemplate and follow Al-Quran themselves.

At another place in Al-Quran, it is adviced to go to people of Knowledge and ask them.
But again, those who are advised to go to people of Knowkedge and ask, are commanded to read, contemplate and follow Al-Quran for themselves,—–because when they would go to people of Knowledge, how would they would they confirm whatever they are told is from Al-Quran, until they themselves read and attain The Knowledge.

And indeed, such a person who reads Al-Quran and know its Message, would barely need to go to any scholar, only when he is confused at some place.
So, as such, people of the ummah, are not fully handed over to the clergies/Imams, because there is no institution of “Ulama” in Al-Quran.
And see, what these big Imams and religious scholars (Ulama Karam) have done to this ummah. These corrupt and criminal Ulama Karam, Sheikhs and big Imama follow different schools of thoughts and have divided the ummah into haram and mushrik sects.
This is only and exactly, what the Ulama Karam, big Sheikhs, and big-belly Imams have done to the ummah.—–They hide The Revealed Truth from people and stop them from Allah.

—–”Indeed, those who conceal what We have sent down of Clear Proofs and The Guidance, after what We had made it clear for the people in the Scripture. They are those cursed by Allah and cursed by those who curse.” (2:159)

Who conceal The Clear Proofs (Al-Quran) from the ummah?
Common people—Or—the corrupt clergies???
Common people are also liars and criminals,—because they follow these corrupt lot of Clergies/Imams.


After the Messenger, there is no leader in Deen. The Messenger was an Authorized leader.
Allah Himself is the Teacher, Guide and everything. If someone reads Al-Quran himself, without the help of the fabricated ahadith, tafseer and human teacher, only then he will come to know that Allah alone is The Teacher, Hadi, and everything.
Once these Clergies/Imams are taken as leaders or teachers, (even if they are on The Right Path, and as such they are not), shirk starts.

—–“They have taken their Clergies/Imams as their rubb besides Allah” (At-Tauba-31)

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Sunni's Contradiction!---Searching for "Words of Rasool" who they claim could not write!!!

Sunni's Contradiction!---Searching for "Words of Rasool" who they claim could not read and write!!!

Salam and Peace, everyone!

I had a long discussion with a brother on youtube.
He insisted that according to a Verse (29:48), the Prophet was illeterate and could not read or write.
Then he said that Al-Quran is Allah's Word, but where will I find the Prophet's words to obey him.
----"where can I find the " words " and teachings of rasool s.a.w. where I can obey and follow ?-----
Please read the following answer. It may interest you.

Dear brother Salam and Peace on you!

Allah knows best what is in our hearts.

On one hand you claim that your Prophet was illiterate,---and on the other hand you wish to find an "illiterate Prophet's" words.
So very strange, very very strange,----how can you find the words of a Prophet who can neither read nor write.
My respected brother, and all the Sunni brothers!---Didn't you all get the news from Imam Bukhari that the person whom you accept as your Prophet, was unable to read and write???
Words???-----from someone who can not write.
I am still wondering at this intellectual demand.

Allah has made it clear in His Exalted Quran that people worship and serve different rubbs or Ilah. Read the link below, if you please:

Who is your rubb?

According to Al-Quran, people worship different Ilah.
So I believe people have different Prophets, people have different qurans, people believe in different Judgement Days.

For example, some people take a Rubb as their Ilah who has sent down a deffective quran, which is incomplete and unpracticeable without the man-made books of ahadith, Sahih Al-Bukhari, etc.

But I accept The Supreme Being as my Ilah, Who has sent down A Quran which is Perfect and Fully Detailed and does not need any man-made books of ahadith for its explanation.

This is my Iman in my Allah.
Do you have any objection?
-----It means your Ilah is different from my Ilah.

Another example, the person whom you accept as your Prophet, was an illiterate person.
But the person whom I accept as my Prophet, was a literate person.
It means your Prophet is different from my Prophet.

I accept Allah's Quran as The Complete Book of Guidance which is Fully Detailed and does not need any extra explanations.
But you take a group of books as books of guidance, one from Allah and the other from different Imams.

1)-----Brother, Allah commands the momineen in His Exalted Quran:

-----"So do not obey the rejectors and do Jihadan Kabeera (Great Jihad) against them with This (Quran)"   (Al Furqaan-52)
In the above Verse, Allah has commanded us to do The Great Jihaad against the kuffaar, with Quran in our hands as the weapon.
It means we have to call the kuffaar of the world to Allah's Quran. That's it.

Whereas the present ummah who follow Al-Bukhari, believe that they should wage a war against the kuffaar to spread Islam.

Brother, how can I go against my Allah when He orders me to do Great Jihaad with Al-Quran in our hands?---How can I kill the non-muslims to spread Islam?

The very meaning of Isalm is to Submit yourself before Allah,----and Salam, Peace, Security.
How can I call the kuffaar to Peace, Salam by waging a war against them and killing and destroyiing them?
Brother, I can not do war, I will only call the kuffaar to Allah.
This is my Iman in my Allah.

2)-----Allah in His Exalted Quran declares that if anyone wants to go out of Islam and become a kafir again, He have no objection in this worldly life. He will question him on The Judgement Day. In this worldly life, Allah Wills to give him a chance before his last breath to return back to Islam.

But Imam Bukhari claims that the Prophet ordered to kill the apostate (Murtad). And whole of the Ummah today have Iman in Imam Bukhari, and not in Allah.

Brother, I will never kill a murtad, at all.
How can I become an enemy of my Allah, and go against His clear-cut Judgement that He Wills to give the murtad a chance to return to Islam.

3)-----The person who commits blasphemy against the Prophet, Allah advices the Prophet to keep patience, and promises that He Himself will look into the affair.
But Imam Bukhari claims that the Prophet ordered to kill the blasphemer.

Brother, I can never go against my Allah's advice, and I would never kill a blasphemer.
I will only try to convince him of Islam. Maybe he will weep, repent and ask Allah's Forgiveness.
This is my Iman in Allah.

Allah declares in His Exalted Quran that there will be no Shafa'ut for the criminals and sinners.
But-----Imam Bukhari claims that the Prophet declares that he will do Shafa'ut for the sinners of his ummah and save them from hellfire.

Brother, I can never have Iman in such a fabricated story of Shafa'ut from the Prophet.

More according to Allah's Quran:
I will never stone the zani to death. Because my Allah never commands us to do so.
I will never degrade womn and take her second in grade with respect to men. Because my Allah never says so.
I will never accept Isa the Messenger alive and returning back to earth. Because my Allah never says so.
-----and so on and on and on-------

Brother this is my Iman in Allah that I find no one in between me and my Allah. No Imam Bukhari, no names of Sahaba, no suffees, no scholars, no mufassir, etc.

Brother, it very clearly means that you worship and serve your Allah,---and I worship and serve my Allah.
And you obey your Prophet,---and I obey my Prophet.
And you follow your Allah's Quran,---and I follow my Allah's Quran.

And a very important point in all this is,---that we two differ with each other.
So, it is very very clear, like daylight, that our Ilah, our Prophets, our Qurans, and our Judgement Days,----are different from each other.

One more point is that it is the Ulama Karam of this ummah who have fabricated all these non-Quranic philosophies.

In all times, whenever Allah sent His Messengers, these were the misguided Ulama Karam of the people who always opposed the Messengers.
The unjust rulers of all times persecuted their people, and the misguided ulama always supported those cruel rulers, and they all fought the Messengers of Allah.
Allah annihilated those rulers, ulama and the stubborn people who followed them.

Even today, the Salafee Ulama will invite you to become a Salafee.---The Sunni Ulama will try to make you a Sunni. The Shia Ulama will make you a Shia.
But Allah Wills to make you a momin and a muslim.

So, be warned!

The so-called ahadith in Sahih Al-Bukhari and the likes, in which you have Iman,---you never heard with your own ears the Prophet saying all this.
This is one of the Ulama Karam, Mr. Imam Bukhari who claims that the Prophet said all this.

Brother!---Please don't be angry.
I am not your enemy. And you are not my enemy.
I just put my views before you.

I have Iman that my Allah is Perfect, and His Holy and Exalted Book is Perfect, Complete and Fully Detailed.
It is the ummah's own stubbornness and blindness, that they can't find what Allah is giving them in His Easy-to-understand Book of Hidayah.

What is Iman in Allah?
Iman in Allah is the trust in Allah. Full confidence in Allah---that only Allah is our everything.
There is no partner of Allah.---So, there is no partner of Allah's Quran.
Don't say people don't understand.-----People understand everything, at least, when Allah's Revealed Truth is put before them.
Yet, even after understanding Allah's Verses well, they find it difficult to accept The Truth, The Only Truth in the universe.---Why?

Just close your eyes, and peep into your heart. You will find the criminal there.
-----The "Ego".-----Kick him out!