Friday, 8 July 2011

Corrupt Clergies of The Last Ummah

Corrupt Clergies of The Last Ummah

Salam and Peace!

People often ask, “Institutions are more important or persons are more important?”
Then they answer, “Institutions are more important, and we should always struggle to make them stronger.”
But, according to my understanding of Al-Quran,—-persons are more important than the institutions, because it is the persons who establish and run the institutions. If persons are dishonest and liars, then institutions only become a source of fulfilling their vested interests.
Allah, in His Exalted Quran, never commands us to strengthen the institutions, rather He commands us to fear Allah, and reform and purify ourselves and become good to others.

—–“Allah loves those who purify themselves.” (9:108)

So, a God-fearing person, who purifies himself, and as a reward of it, Allah loves him,—–is the best person to run an institution and serve the people. Such a person could be a ruler or an officer.
But we should remember, in Islam, the rulers and officers, are nothing but servants of the common people.
And people, who are served, has all the right to take them to accountability.
What comes out finally, is that the rulers and officers are nothing but servants, organizers or care-takers of the community.

On the other hand the momineen (people) of the community who are served, are commnaded to stand with the (God-fearing) care-takers, and extend their full cooperations to their servants.

—–“O you who believe, fear Allah, and be with those who are true.” (9:119)

Indeed, these true people could be the servants, friends and other people of the community.
And when it comes to the rulers (servants of the community), then this act of cooperation with those true rulers is so important that it is not only an act of standing by them, but it is also a matter of obedience.

 —–“O you who believe, obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and those who are in authority (Oolil Umr that is true care-takers of the community) among you. Then if you have a dispute concerning any matter (people are allowed to dispute with the Oolil Umr, if they go against Allah’s Commandments), refer it to Allah and the messenger if you are (in truth) believers in Allah and the Last Day. That is better and more commendable in the end.” (4:59)

There is no concept of an “established institution” of religious scholars, sheikhs and imams in Al-Quran.
Only in one Verse (9:122), people of “yatafaqqahu fid Deen” are ordered to warn the people.
Yes, warn the people, and not to become teachers and teach them Al-Quran.
Because the same people who will be warned, are commanded to read, contemplate and follow Al-Quran themselves.

At another place in Al-Quran, it is adviced to go to people of Knowledge and ask them.
But again, those who are advised to go to people of Knowkedge and ask, are commanded to read, contemplate and follow Al-Quran for themselves,—–because when they would go to people of Knowledge, how would they would they confirm whatever they are told is from Al-Quran, until they themselves read and attain The Knowledge.

And indeed, such a person who reads Al-Quran and know its Message, would barely need to go to any scholar, only when he is confused at some place.
So, as such, people of the ummah, are not fully handed over to the clergies/Imams, because there is no institution of “Ulama” in Al-Quran.
And see, what these big Imams and religious scholars (Ulama Karam) have done to this ummah. These corrupt and criminal Ulama Karam, Sheikhs and big Imama follow different schools of thoughts and have divided the ummah into haram and mushrik sects.
This is only and exactly, what the Ulama Karam, big Sheikhs, and big-belly Imams have done to the ummah.—–They hide The Revealed Truth from people and stop them from Allah.

—–”Indeed, those who conceal what We have sent down of Clear Proofs and The Guidance, after what We had made it clear for the people in the Scripture. They are those cursed by Allah and cursed by those who curse.” (2:159)

Who conceal The Clear Proofs (Al-Quran) from the ummah?
Common people—Or—the corrupt clergies???
Common people are also liars and criminals,—because they follow these corrupt lot of Clergies/Imams.


After the Messenger, there is no leader in Deen. The Messenger was an Authorized leader.
Allah Himself is the Teacher, Guide and everything. If someone reads Al-Quran himself, without the help of the fabricated ahadith, tafseer and human teacher, only then he will come to know that Allah alone is The Teacher, Hadi, and everything.
Once these Clergies/Imams are taken as leaders or teachers, (even if they are on The Right Path, and as such they are not), shirk starts.

—–“They have taken their Clergies/Imams as their rubb besides Allah” (At-Tauba-31)

1 comment:

  1. Salam, Nice words. It simply amazes me to see how people take their priests and scholars as source of absolute authority, even above the scripture !!

    Keep the good work up :) I am planning to blog out my findings too. Just opened a blog for the first time, and this happens to be my first comment :P

    May Allah increase you in knowledge and guide you.

    ----- Student of Allah
