Denier of the names of Sahaba, is out of Islam???
Salam and Peace, everyone!
A non-muslim reads Al-Quran. And he accepts Islam.
He says that he has (Iman in Allah,---the last Prophet and all the previous Prophets and Messengers,---Al-Quran and all the previous Scriptures,---Angels,---and The Judgement Day).
He further says that he has Iman in everything that Allah has mentioned in His Exalted Quran.
He says that Allah mentioned that the Prophet had companions (Al-Baqarah-285), so he has Iman that there are companions of the Prophet.
But, since, Allah didn't mention, in His Exalted Book of Islam, the names, which are said to be the names of the companions---Abu Bakar, Umar, Usman, Ali, Fatima, Hasan, Hussain, Abu Huraira, Abdullah ibn Umar, Abdullah ibn Abbaas---so the new-muslim says he will not accept these names as the names of the companions of the Prophet.
These names are in the books of history. And Allah didn't command me to have Iman in the books of history.
The new-muslim clarifies that he is not saying the Prophet did not have companions.
The Prophet had companions,---but their names are not mentioned in Al-Quran, so he will not accept these names as the names of the companions.
Respected brothers/sisters!
Please answer any one of the following questions:
1)---Do you think that this new-muslim, is still a muslim?
2)---Do you think that the new-muslim, by not accepting these names as the names of the companions of the Prophet,-----is out of Islam?
If your answer is that he is out of Islam,---then in that case, your answer must be supported by a Verse from Allah's Quran.
Because when a person fulfills the basic requirements of Iman, (Iman in Allah,---the last Prophet and all the previous Prophets and Messengers,---Al-Quran and all the previous Scriptures,---Angels,---and The Judgement Day),---then Allah declares him a momin.
And if by not accepting the names of Sahaba (names are not mentioned in Al-Quran, it is in the history), he is out of Islam,-----then It is only Allah alone Who can declare him out of Islam.
No answer will be accepted if it is not supported by Allah's Verse from The Exalted Quran.
In answer to above statement, a nice and respected brother said; "Yes, the denier of the the names of the Sahaba of the last Prophet is out of Islam. Because the Sahaba of Noah are mentioned in The Quran, so go and get the names of the Sahaba of Noah."
-------I answered to the above.
To whom should we go to get the names of those Sahaba of Noah (AS)?
Go to Allah?---But, Allah did not mention their names in His Safe, Holy and Exalted Quran.
(Remember, Allah's Quran is The Only Truth in the universe. So my Allah is not giving me the names of those Sahaba in His Quran).
Now, history is left.
Should we go to the historians (humans) to know the names of the Sahaba of Noah (AS)?
History???-----which is full of fabrications, lies and corruption!!!
History has always been influenced by unjust rulers and corrupt rich classes and corrupt religious ulama karam.
History has always been written,---not to guide people to The Right Path,---but to hide the crimes of the above mentioned three unjust and cruel classes (unjust rulers and corrupt rich classes and corrupt religious ulama karam).
So, here, we are in a serious trouble, brother!---because,---
---Allah Himself has decided not to give us the names of the Sahaba of the last Prophet, Abu Bakar, Umar, Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, Hussain, Ayesha.
Talking about History!---it is full of fabrication.
So, where should we go now to save our Iman,-----Because, as you quoted, that such a person is not a momin, in spite of fulfilling the basic requirements of Iman, because he denies to have Iman in the names of the Sahaba given in the history???????
So,-----what is the solution to this trouble?
Yes, we should go to our CareTaker Allah.
Because, only Allah alone can take us out of this trouble.
So,---I ask my Allah, "O my Allah, if knowing the names of the Sahaba and the family members of the last Prophet, is compulsory for my Iman, then please give us the names of those rightly guided people. -----Indeed, You are The Hearer, All Knower!"
And brother!---Do you know what solution my Allah gave to me?
-----"That was a nation (the Messengers, their companions) which has passed away. For them is that which they earned, and for you is that which you earn. And you will not be asked of what they used to do." (Al-Baqarah-134)
The brother said, "And there are many Prophets with them are their companions [Sahaba], you have to get all the names of them all, cause they are all blessed by Allah and saved, otherwise you will not be a Mu'min."
-------My answer to the above.
No, brother!
Allah do not Will us to know the names of those Sahaba of the Prophets. If it had been compulsory to know the names of the Sahaba of all the Prophets, Allah Himself would have given their names, and had ordered us to have Iman in them.
Rather, Allah declares clearly that you don't have any need to know those Sahabas, and you don't have to worry about them.
-----"That was a nation (the Messengers, their companions) which has passed away. For them is that which they earned, and for you is that which you earn. And you will not be asked of what they used to do." (Al-Baqarah-134)
So, my dear brother, I don't have to worry about the companions of the Prophet. And they don't have to worry about me. Everyone must worry about his ownself only.
For them is that which they earned. For me is that which I earn. We are not responsible for each other. Then why should I worry to know their names?
The Verses from our Allah's Exalted Quran, that you have quoted, only tells us that there were Sahaba of the Messengers, but do not command us to get those names.
Knowing those names of the Sahaba, will not benefit us in the least,-----because, no one else, but Allah Himself has stopped us to establish any relationship with those Sahaba.
-----"That was a nation (the Messengers, their companions) which has passed away. For them is that which they earned, and for you is that which you earn. And you will not be asked of what they used to do." (Al-Baqarah-134)
Yes, Allah will not ask us what did they use to do,---what did they use to say,---and what did they narrate about Islam and about the sayings of the Prophet.
Yes, nothing,----Allah guarantees us that He will not ask us about anything that those Sahaba used to do, and used to say.
According to Allah, we have no relationship with what they did, and what they said.
Dear brother, if Allah had Willed, He Himself would have given us the names of the Sahaba, the family members of the Prophet, (Abu Bakar, Umar, Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, Hussain, Ayesha)-----but, since, Allah Himself Willed, not to let us know the names of the Sahaba and the family members of the last Prophet,----then who can go against Allah's Will?
What names Allah Willed, gave in His Exalted Book.
Iblees, Korah are condemned,---to tell us not to become like them.
Zul Qurnain, Luqman are admired,---to tell us to become like them.
What Allah Willed, He did.
Now, brother!---Do we know, why Allah do not Will us to know the names of those Sahaba and the family members of The Last Prophet?
Yes, because,---"Personality-worshipping"---starts by knowing the names of those rightly-guided people.
People start talking, mentioning, remembering, adoring,-----and eventually end up worshipping those family members of the Prophet and the Sahaba by taking and following the alleged narrations, that are linked with those people.
Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, Hussain, Abu Huraira, Abdullah ibn Umar, Abdullah ibn Abbaas,---are these names not being worshipped???
Are these names not being worshipped, besides Allah???
Are the fabricated narrantions linked with these Sahaba not being taken as Deen, instead of Allah's Quran?????
Whereas, Allah declares:
-----"That was a nation (the Messengers, their companions) which has passed away. For them is that which they earned, and for you is that which you earn. And you will not be asked of what they used to do." (Al-Baqarah-134)
The ummah has got no business with the names of the family members of the Prophet and the Sahaba.
Respected brothers/sisters!
Is it not true, that Allah didn't mention the names of the Sahaba in His Exalted Quran and never commanded us to have Iman in the names of the Sahaba.---Yes, it is true!
So, is it not true, that if a person says he will not have Iman in the names of the Sahaba which are not in Al-Quran, he is not a kafir???---Yes, he is not a kafir!
So, when a person have no Iman in the names Umar, Ali, Fatimah, Abu Huraira, Abdullah ibn Umar, Abdullah ibn Abbaas,----then why should he have Iman in the narrations which are, allegedly, linked with them???
If someone tells a person, "Abu Huraira said."
That person will say, "Who is Abu Huraira? I don't have Iman in him. So why should I accept whatever he says?"
Did you see, with this the whole fabric of The Science of Hadith becomes ramshackle-----so obviously!
And the whole fabric of Shia Deen crumbles down,-----even more obviously!
Every corruption in Deen starts by having Iman in the names of the family members of the Prophet, and the Sahaba of the Prophet.
Once people accept these names as the names of the family members of the Prophet, and his Sahaba,---now, they can never deny what is narrated (ahadith) using their names.
And accepting these names (Abu Bakar, Umar, Usman, Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, Hussain, Abu Huraira, Abdullah ibn Umar, Abdullah ibn Abbaas)---is not Allah's Will.-----Allah's Quran, is Allah's Will.
So, there are no ahadith in Islam.
And there is no Shia Sect in Islam.
These two are nothing but, Corruption in Deen.
And this is Allah's Will, that other than His Exalted Quran, everything is Corruption.
This is Allah's Will.
Read Allah's Quran, more and more, repeatedly,----to know Allah's Will.
Salam and Peace, everyone!
A non-muslim reads Al-Quran. And he accepts Islam.
He says that he has (Iman in Allah,---the last Prophet and all the previous Prophets and Messengers,---Al-Quran and all the previous Scriptures,---Angels,---and The Judgement Day).
He further says that he has Iman in everything that Allah has mentioned in His Exalted Quran.
He says that Allah mentioned that the Prophet had companions (Al-Baqarah-285), so he has Iman that there are companions of the Prophet.
But, since, Allah didn't mention, in His Exalted Book of Islam, the names, which are said to be the names of the companions---Abu Bakar, Umar, Usman, Ali, Fatima, Hasan, Hussain, Abu Huraira, Abdullah ibn Umar, Abdullah ibn Abbaas---so the new-muslim says he will not accept these names as the names of the companions of the Prophet.
These names are in the books of history. And Allah didn't command me to have Iman in the books of history.
The new-muslim clarifies that he is not saying the Prophet did not have companions.
The Prophet had companions,---but their names are not mentioned in Al-Quran, so he will not accept these names as the names of the companions.
Respected brothers/sisters!
Please answer any one of the following questions:
1)---Do you think that this new-muslim, is still a muslim?
2)---Do you think that the new-muslim, by not accepting these names as the names of the companions of the Prophet,-----is out of Islam?
If your answer is that he is out of Islam,---then in that case, your answer must be supported by a Verse from Allah's Quran.
Because when a person fulfills the basic requirements of Iman, (Iman in Allah,---the last Prophet and all the previous Prophets and Messengers,---Al-Quran and all the previous Scriptures,---Angels,---and The Judgement Day),---then Allah declares him a momin.
And if by not accepting the names of Sahaba (names are not mentioned in Al-Quran, it is in the history), he is out of Islam,-----then It is only Allah alone Who can declare him out of Islam.
No answer will be accepted if it is not supported by Allah's Verse from The Exalted Quran.
In answer to above statement, a nice and respected brother said; "Yes, the denier of the the names of the Sahaba of the last Prophet is out of Islam. Because the Sahaba of Noah are mentioned in The Quran, so go and get the names of the Sahaba of Noah."
-------I answered to the above.
To whom should we go to get the names of those Sahaba of Noah (AS)?
Go to Allah?---But, Allah did not mention their names in His Safe, Holy and Exalted Quran.
(Remember, Allah's Quran is The Only Truth in the universe. So my Allah is not giving me the names of those Sahaba in His Quran).
Now, history is left.
Should we go to the historians (humans) to know the names of the Sahaba of Noah (AS)?
History???-----which is full of fabrications, lies and corruption!!!
History has always been influenced by unjust rulers and corrupt rich classes and corrupt religious ulama karam.
History has always been written,---not to guide people to The Right Path,---but to hide the crimes of the above mentioned three unjust and cruel classes (unjust rulers and corrupt rich classes and corrupt religious ulama karam).
So, here, we are in a serious trouble, brother!---because,---
---Allah Himself has decided not to give us the names of the Sahaba of the last Prophet, Abu Bakar, Umar, Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, Hussain, Ayesha.
Talking about History!---it is full of fabrication.
So, where should we go now to save our Iman,-----Because, as you quoted, that such a person is not a momin, in spite of fulfilling the basic requirements of Iman, because he denies to have Iman in the names of the Sahaba given in the history???????
So,-----what is the solution to this trouble?
Yes, we should go to our CareTaker Allah.
Because, only Allah alone can take us out of this trouble.
So,---I ask my Allah, "O my Allah, if knowing the names of the Sahaba and the family members of the last Prophet, is compulsory for my Iman, then please give us the names of those rightly guided people. -----Indeed, You are The Hearer, All Knower!"
And brother!---Do you know what solution my Allah gave to me?
-----"That was a nation (the Messengers, their companions) which has passed away. For them is that which they earned, and for you is that which you earn. And you will not be asked of what they used to do." (Al-Baqarah-134)
The brother said, "And there are many Prophets with them are their companions [Sahaba], you have to get all the names of them all, cause they are all blessed by Allah and saved, otherwise you will not be a Mu'min."
-------My answer to the above.
No, brother!
Allah do not Will us to know the names of those Sahaba of the Prophets. If it had been compulsory to know the names of the Sahaba of all the Prophets, Allah Himself would have given their names, and had ordered us to have Iman in them.
Rather, Allah declares clearly that you don't have any need to know those Sahabas, and you don't have to worry about them.
-----"That was a nation (the Messengers, their companions) which has passed away. For them is that which they earned, and for you is that which you earn. And you will not be asked of what they used to do." (Al-Baqarah-134)
So, my dear brother, I don't have to worry about the companions of the Prophet. And they don't have to worry about me. Everyone must worry about his ownself only.
For them is that which they earned. For me is that which I earn. We are not responsible for each other. Then why should I worry to know their names?
The Verses from our Allah's Exalted Quran, that you have quoted, only tells us that there were Sahaba of the Messengers, but do not command us to get those names.
Knowing those names of the Sahaba, will not benefit us in the least,-----because, no one else, but Allah Himself has stopped us to establish any relationship with those Sahaba.
-----"That was a nation (the Messengers, their companions) which has passed away. For them is that which they earned, and for you is that which you earn. And you will not be asked of what they used to do." (Al-Baqarah-134)
Yes, Allah will not ask us what did they use to do,---what did they use to say,---and what did they narrate about Islam and about the sayings of the Prophet.
Yes, nothing,----Allah guarantees us that He will not ask us about anything that those Sahaba used to do, and used to say.
According to Allah, we have no relationship with what they did, and what they said.
Dear brother, if Allah had Willed, He Himself would have given us the names of the Sahaba, the family members of the Prophet, (Abu Bakar, Umar, Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, Hussain, Ayesha)-----but, since, Allah Himself Willed, not to let us know the names of the Sahaba and the family members of the last Prophet,----then who can go against Allah's Will?
What names Allah Willed, gave in His Exalted Book.
Iblees, Korah are condemned,---to tell us not to become like them.
Zul Qurnain, Luqman are admired,---to tell us to become like them.
What Allah Willed, He did.
Now, brother!---Do we know, why Allah do not Will us to know the names of those Sahaba and the family members of The Last Prophet?
Yes, because,---"Personality-worshipping"---starts by knowing the names of those rightly-guided people.
People start talking, mentioning, remembering, adoring,-----and eventually end up worshipping those family members of the Prophet and the Sahaba by taking and following the alleged narrations, that are linked with those people.
Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, Hussain, Abu Huraira, Abdullah ibn Umar, Abdullah ibn Abbaas,---are these names not being worshipped???
Are these names not being worshipped, besides Allah???
Are the fabricated narrantions linked with these Sahaba not being taken as Deen, instead of Allah's Quran?????
Whereas, Allah declares:
-----"That was a nation (the Messengers, their companions) which has passed away. For them is that which they earned, and for you is that which you earn. And you will not be asked of what they used to do." (Al-Baqarah-134)
The ummah has got no business with the names of the family members of the Prophet and the Sahaba.
Respected brothers/sisters!
Is it not true, that Allah didn't mention the names of the Sahaba in His Exalted Quran and never commanded us to have Iman in the names of the Sahaba.---Yes, it is true!
So, is it not true, that if a person says he will not have Iman in the names of the Sahaba which are not in Al-Quran, he is not a kafir???---Yes, he is not a kafir!
So, when a person have no Iman in the names Umar, Ali, Fatimah, Abu Huraira, Abdullah ibn Umar, Abdullah ibn Abbaas,----then why should he have Iman in the narrations which are, allegedly, linked with them???
If someone tells a person, "Abu Huraira said."
That person will say, "Who is Abu Huraira? I don't have Iman in him. So why should I accept whatever he says?"
Did you see, with this the whole fabric of The Science of Hadith becomes ramshackle-----so obviously!
And the whole fabric of Shia Deen crumbles down,-----even more obviously!
Every corruption in Deen starts by having Iman in the names of the family members of the Prophet, and the Sahaba of the Prophet.
Once people accept these names as the names of the family members of the Prophet, and his Sahaba,---now, they can never deny what is narrated (ahadith) using their names.
And accepting these names (Abu Bakar, Umar, Usman, Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, Hussain, Abu Huraira, Abdullah ibn Umar, Abdullah ibn Abbaas)---is not Allah's Will.-----Allah's Quran, is Allah's Will.
So, there are no ahadith in Islam.
And there is no Shia Sect in Islam.
These two are nothing but, Corruption in Deen.
And this is Allah's Will, that other than His Exalted Quran, everything is Corruption.
This is Allah's Will.
Read Allah's Quran, more and more, repeatedly,----to know Allah's Will.
Thanks, agreed. I write about this too.
ReplyDeleteawesome bro, keep writing such inflential articles... I loved your manner of arguement...